Below you'll find all the good movies I've come across on the Internet, all in one place. There are, of course, more movies out there, but they suck :). I don't even put anything on here if it doesn't pass my quality control. As you might notice, I have uploaded quite a bit of these myself. This is a failsafe.. because shit happens. Sega Net is no more..and some places just plain have deleted these. So if you find a bad link anywhere, email me and I'll do the best I can to upload the movie myself and fix the link. Don't be afraid to tell me- I'll get right on it. The most recent movies are at the biggest page #s. I add as I go along, I don't categorize at all besides date. Oldest to newest. Enjoy :).
video from Sega X Get it here. Size: about 6 megs Pro: awesome visuals ( I love the Kung Fu guys' hands- sort of hypnotic) Cons: you really would like to know what the hell is going on, they just sort of jump into action scenes; all voices are in Japanese. |
Sega Net Darts Demo Get it here. Size: 1.14 MB Pros: It shows a huge amount of detail on everything there, and it runs very fast too. Keep in mind this is just a mini game, but one of the 3 demos (I have a video of them all :) ) shown at Sega's E3 booth. Cons: Sort of jittery if you be really nit-picky, because someone had to hold the camera to look at the screen. Again, it's a video of a TV screen, so you get minimal glare, and that 'effect'... Anyway, I'll stop whining now, trying desperately to find a "con." Enjoy the video. |
IGN DC Character Face
Movie Get it here. Size: 5.7 MB Pros: Great display of real time faces in the game. This movie shows about 4 or 5 faces in a larger than average window. Excellent, unbeatable detail. Cons: Nothing, really. Size? |
Republic Tree Movie Get it here. Size: 9.26 MB Pros: A great display of weather & time effects. Very seemless. I really couldn't tell it was happening. Cons: Nothing, besides size. |
Gamer's Republic Ocean
Liner Movie Get it here. Size: 10.245 MB Pros: Great detail on everthing. The time effects are in full display. The smoke coming from the smoke stacks are affected by the wind, too. It seems to go from 12:00 at night to 11:00 at night the next day without a hitch. Nice. Cons: Shows L.A. style smog (green) sometime at night. I have another video very similar to this that shows the same boat (for not as long a time) with correct lighting (non-greenish). |
Next Generation's miscellaneous
Movie Get it here. (I am very sorry, I can't upload this one- Xoom only allows about 12MB per file- but also unlimited space. Sorry. I can't guarantee it'll be around for download forever, but I have a good feeling it will. Get it now and stop reading this!) Size: 18.5 MB Pros: Shows great character animation- I heard it's all motion captured- now I believe it! A great mix of scenes that show great detail. People even blink- look for it :). Cons: SIZE! That's it! |
DCHQ's (and many others')
Shen-Mue Trailer clip Get it here. Size: 3.5 MB Pros: Another great face movie. Shows Ryo (main character), a young girl, another young girl, and an old man, all with awesome facial expressions and detail. Check out that 2nd girl's eyes! |
Sega X's Demo Video:
Sprite Get it here. Size: 3.9 MB Pros: The Sprites look so real! ;). ......... AH............ it's.. realistic? :) (I dunno) Cons: All he's doing is buying a Sprite. In the next video, he better kick some ass.. :). The crappy video maker skipped a few frames every second. So it looks choppy. But don't worry, no game looks like that. |
Sega X's Demo Video: Battle Get it here. Size: 1.31 MB Pros: Reassurance that the game moves at a quick framerate. Camera angles make it seem actually fun. Even to watch. Cons: Goes by very quickly- and again- we don't get to see "Free Battle". (and.. check out the bottom left corner. :) ) |
IGN DC'S EXTRAVAGANZA #1 Get it here. Sorry, this is too big for Xoom's TOS, so I can't upload. It should really be reliable there, though. Size: 13.36 MB Pros: Great video that shows scenery very well. And some character shots. Cons: THE SIZE- and that's it. |