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Size: 5.9 MB
Pros: Shows another thing you can do: ride a bike. At least you don't have to pay money for gas. (That's probably true, knowing this game. :) ). Again, with the camera angles, I hope this is EZ to control.
Cons: I dunno. Average size. Not that much besides him with the bike, but that's good enough for me.

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Size: 7.7MB
Pros: A great QTE scene, with a lot of different obstacles. Looks very fun.
Cons: The "push" effect in the beginning looks sort of.. crap-ish, but hey, what're you gonna do. Size is a little big.

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Size: 8.3 MB
Pros: Shows that you can walk around in an arcade & play games. And you have to spend your money too. (And pretty good facial expression at the end)
Cons: I don't know.. Size. Not much wrong with this video.

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Size: 5.29 MB
Pros: Not that much. I'd like to see only about 15 seconds more footage to see what happens after you get knocked out. (above is a drunk guy cracking a bottle over Ryo's head)
Cons: It is kinda sucky. But size is average.

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Size: 4.1 MB
Pros: Not much. The Coke is very detailed. :)
Cons: It looks exactly the same as the Sprite video.

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Size: 13.9 MB
Pros: It shows great lighting. He's basically snooping into somebody's sh!t in their house. Wonder who's it is.
Cons: Not much. The size is big. That's about all I can think of.

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Size: 13.42 MB
Pros: It is directed beautifully, the cameras.. the effects. The music! The music is GREAT! Check my music section, it's the bonus track. But back to this game! Graphics like these, cameras like these, and music like this make you forget this is a videogame-.. and not a movie.
Cons: NOTHING except size. Get it!!!!!!!!

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Size: 11.57 MB
Pros: IGN DC praises this one as the best (see p. 9 for my pick. :)). But it is exciting. Look at the pic above. This is an old guy, who wants a piece of you. YOU GET TO KICK THE ASSES OF COMMON FOLK! YES! Even old guys!
Cons: Size is a little issue here, but not as much as others. Overall good video.

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Size: 12 MB or 5.5 MB
Pros: A showcase of everything (I dunno, but it's a lot :)) you can do in the demo. Very nice- it puts facial demos, QTB battle, QTE sequences, lots of crap basically, together. Looks nice.
Cons: Size on the big boy is.. big. That's about it. Great movie.

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Size: 11.2 MB
Pros: It shows the Sega X battle movie, with a less quick framerate (but oh so smooth and nice. :)), and more before and after the movie happens. Also, it shows Ryo (main char.) getting punched in the face and kicked square in the nut! ;)
Cons: Size. Big. And towards the end, there's a little bit of breakup. When movies portray computers (when they get bad reception).. like..everything turns into horizantal lines, and gets blurry. It's not too bad/anything to complain about.


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